Webinar: Effectively Implementing Connecting Steps
Register for our FREE Webinar on Tuesday 8th October at 4pm to make sure your school is getting the most out of our software.
Please vote for us in the Education Today Awards
B Squared has been nominated in the 'Best Supplier of ICT Software' category of the Education Today Awards - vote for us before 30th September.
Announcing our Autumn SENDcast Sessions
For the new school year, we’re ‘going back to basics’ with our monthly LIVE sessions - focusing on training to support pupils with SEND in [...]
Connecting Steps shortlisted for Teach Primary Award
Our assessment software Connecting Steps has been shortlisted in the SEND category for the Teach Primary Awards 2024.
Webinar: Evidencing Progress and Boosting Parental Engagement with Evisense
We want to help schools get the full benefit from our NEW Evisense school-parent communication hub. Register for our FREE Webinar - Tuesday 11 June, [...]
Webinar: Troubleshooting Progress in Connecting Steps and Analytics
Is your school getting the most out of its Progress Data? This webinar focuses on troubleshooting potential data issues, as well as highlighting how to [...]
Announcing SENDcast Sessions for the Summer Term – £10 SEND expert training
We've invited some of this year's most popular SENDcast podcasters to deliver LIVE online training sessions for the Summer Term. There's unlimited access to each [...]
Webinar: B Squared Q&A session
Join us on Tuesday 30 January at 4pm! This is your chance to ask those burning questions you've been meaning to inquire about. It's also an [...]
Announcing SENDcast Sessions for the Spring Term – £10 SEND expert training
We've invited some of this year's most popular SENDcast podcasters to deliver LIVE online training sessions for the Spring Term. There's unlimited access to each [...]
Webinar: Autism Profiling with Autism Progress
Find out how autism profiling can help you to better support autistic students in your school. Register for our FREE Webinar - Tuesday 21 November, [...]
Webinar: Introduction to the new and improved Evisense
Be first to see our NEW Evisense in action! Join our FREE webinar at 4pm on Wednesday 18 October to find out how quick and [...]
Webinar: Assessing ALL pupils in one system using Connecting Steps
Can you quickly and easily show progress for ALL pupils using your current assessment system? Join our FREE webinar at 4pm on Tuesday 3 October [...]
Announcing SENDcast Sessions for the Autumn Term – £10 SEND expert training
This Autumn Term, the SENDcast will run 3 SEND expert LIVE online training sessions with Q&As and 3 PRE-RECORDED sessions. It’s just £10 for your [...]
Launching SENDcast Sessions!
We are delighted to announce that The SENDcast now offers 1-hour CPD online training sessions for just £10!
Save time report writing with our new Advanced Features for Connecting Steps
Interested in finding an easier way to summarise and share progress with children and their parents? Try our new Advanced Features for FREE this term [...]
Our NEW Analytics Platform
In just a few clicks, our new B Squared Analytics platform will produce meaningful data and save you hours in Excel.
3 webinars on School Data and how to get the most out of it
Our 3 free webinars on data will help you with Target Setting, Analysing Data & B Squared Analytics. Register now for free.
Webinar: How to assess pupils working outside of their year group
Are you struggling to show progress for pupils working outside of their year group? Watch our FREE webinar to find out how to change the [...]
Early Years Assessment – How to show progress for ALL your EYFS pupils
Are you looking for new ways to track progress for children in Early Years Foundation Stage in line with the new EYFS 2021? Would you [...]
Response to the SEND Review – Sign up for our FREE live broadcast
Lorraine Petersen OBE joins us live on Tuesday 3 May to present her ‘Response to the SEND Review’. She will outline the content of the [...]
‘Wellbeing for ALL’ Virtual SEND Conference full programme announced
All 12 expert presentations are now confirmed for our next Virtual SEND Conference launching on 20 May 2022. Mental Health and Wellbeing is the focus [...]
Reporting, printing and more are now live in Connecting Steps V5
It’s important for your school to start using our new faster Connecting Steps V5 assessment software NOW because we will be switching over from V4 [...]
The SENDcast – Teach Primary Award Winner
The awards are designed to help teachers seek out the very best educational resources to support their pupils and we are delighted to have been [...]
Full programme announced for the 6th Virtual SEND Conference
The full programme is now confirmed for the next Virtual SEND Conference launching on 26 November. With 12 expert speakers focusing on Special Schools, Quality [...]
EYFS 2021 is here – how are you assessing progress in Early Years?
Our Early Steps 2021 assessment framework covers both the EYFS 2021 and the new Development Matters. Over 90 early years settings are already using it [...]
Connecting Steps V5 is Here!
On Thursday 6th May 2021 we launched our exciting new, faster Connecting Steps V5. The fastest and easiest way to show progress for pupils with [...]
Why is profiling a person’s Autism useful?
To improve outcomes and opportunities for students with autism, we need to improve our understanding of how their autism affects them. This is where autism [...]
Full programme announced for the 5th Virtual SEND Conference
Great news! All 12 SEND expert presentations are now confirmed for the next Virtual SEND Conference taking place on Friday 21 May. This conference is [...]
Tips and tricks for using Evisense
What is Evisense? An e-portfolio, an online learning journal or a digital evidence of learning system? The answer is all of them. Evisense allows you [...]
Be first to see our new FASTER Connecting Steps assessment software
The B Squared team has been working on a major upgrade to our existing Connecting Steps assessment software for the past 12 months. We are [...]
Looking for Early Years assessment based on the 2021 EYFS Framework?
The B Squared team has been hard at work creating our new Early Steps 2021 assessment framework since the launch of the Early Years Foundation [...]
How will you assess Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at your school?
B Squared’s assessment frameworks have already been updated to fit the new RSE curriculum. This means teachers can easily assess pupils’ progress in relationships education, [...]
Are you looking for one assessment system for ALL of your pupils?
Book a free no obligation online meeting to find out how Connecting Steps can help show progress for children working at ARE and those with SEND in your Primary School