Are you looking for an easy way to show progress for pupils with SEN in your primary school?

SENCOs: Does this sound familiar?

  • Struggling to show progress for your pupils with SEND?
  • Want to report on progress made by pupils with SEND alongside their peers working at Age Related Expectations?
  • Using complex SEN assessment tools that are difficult to master?

If you’ve answered ‘YES’ to any of these questions, Connecting Steps can help!

Our SEN assessment tool can be used to track the small steps of progress made by pupils with SEND, as well as for pupils working at Age Related Expectations.

How our SEN assessment frameworks can help you

  • Access accurate and meaningful data to demonstrate even the smallest steps of progress
  • Quickly analyse pupils’ progress
  • Easily identify next steps for pupils and where interventions are needed
  • Support judgements by evidencing decisions
  • Simplify collating evidence for EHCPs
  • Reduce your workload
SENCO working with child with SEND

Struggling to show progress for your pupils with SEND?

SEN assessment

Track the smallest steps of progress made by pupils with SEND against the pre key stage standards

  • Show progress made by pupils with SEND in a variety of ways
  • Easily identify next steps
  • Highlight a series of achievements that lead up to mastering a skill – ideal to show progress for children who develop in very small steps
  • Choose a small number of steps for pupils working at ARE for quick and easy assessment. Then choose more steps for pupils with SEND, to demonstrate progression towards mastering a skill
  • Show non-linear progress for pupils who do not fit into ‘standard’ assessment steps. Our frameworks enable this, as they do not require one level to be completed before starting on the next

Want to report on progress made by pupils with SEND alongside their peers working at Age Related Expectations?

progress donuts

Demonstrate the progress of EVERY child in your school using Connecting Steps

  • Track and analyse the progress of pupils working at Age Related Expectations and those with SEND across your school
  • Record comparable data and report pupil progress in the same way for both mainstream and SEND pupils
  • Track and analyse whole school progress quickly and easily if all your pupils’ data is in Connecting Steps
  • Multiple assessment frameworks to cover pupils with SEND across early years, key stage 1 and key stage 2. Visit our Curriculums page for more details on all of our frameworks

Using complex SEN assessment tools that are difficult to master?

faster SEND tracking

Super fast to input and access your pupil assessments

  • Connecting Steps has a fresh, new navigation that’s quick, easy and user friendly
  • Switch between a desktop, laptop and iPad – everything looks the same
  • SEND tracking input is much quicker
  • New filtering helps teachers get the information they need quickly and easily
  • A pupil’s current level is shown when adding new assessments – so it’s quick and easy to update
  • Users can set their own favourites to make navigation even faster (pick up where you left off)
  • Flags up if assessment is being added in the wrong year/cohort/framework, to help make sure assessments are inputted correctly
Primary school assessment systems

Is it time to rethink SEN assessment in your Primary School?

Find out more about the advantages of using one inclusive assessment system like Connecting Steps, instead of running two or more assessment systems for children of different abilities in your school.


What do Schools think?

Plan, monitor and track progress for all pupils

“I genuinely love Connecting Steps. It has really changed how I plan, monitor and track my pupils with Additional Support Needs.”

Lisa Galfredi

Bannockburn Primary School

Recognise and celebrate the smallest steps of progress

“Connecting Steps enables us to recognise and celebrate the achievements of those pupils who make very small steps of progress.”

Jo Johnson


A great evaluation tool

“Connecting Steps is a great evaluation tool. In a quick glance, you can see the progress a child makes. It is easy to use and quick to get a progress update.”

Jacqui A


One system for quick and easy assessment and pupil tracking for children of all abilities

inclusive assessment

Find out more about the benefits of using one inclusive system

Primary Steps sample pages for children with SEND
Early Steps 2021 Sample Pages for children with SEND

Click the images to download sample pages from our assessment frameworks for pupils with SEND

Primary Steps for pupils with SEND in Primary Schools

Early Steps for children with SEND in Early Years

Visit our Curriculums page for more details