Quick and simple EYFS tracker for early learning goals for children in Early Years settings

Curriculum: Early Years Foundation Stage Mainstream

Recommended Assessment Framework: Development Matters

Early Years children playing
  • Development Matters – for Early Years settings and Reception year at Primary Schools
  • For children working at Age Related Expectations in Early Years
  • Simple and easy to use Early Years tracker
  • Quick and easy assessment – the broad levelling structure of the new Development Matters 2020 reduces the burden on paperwork and assessment
  • Use Connecting Steps to track mixed abilities using different assessment frameworks all in one system

Looking for EYFS assessment based on Development Matters 2020?

Book a free no obligation online meeting to find out how to demonstrate children’s progress in Early Years with this simple EYFS tracker



Choose the right assessment frameworks for your Early Years setting

Development Matters

EYFS Assessment for children at ARE

Take a look at our assessment framework for children working at typical development levels in Early Years

Our Development Matters framework is designed for children from 3 years old and above, working at typical development levels.

This assessment framework follows the Development Matters 2020 and Early Learning Goals EYFS. It has been created to provide a quick, simple to use EYFS tracker, reducing workload where the detail is not needed.

For children working at a lower developmental level, where you need to show progress, you should use our Early Steps 2021 assessment framework.

These two frameworks can be used alongside each other in Connecting Steps – so ALL of the children in your setting can all be assessed using one system.

EYFS Practitioners – Visit our Early Years page to read more about how our assessment frameworks can help you!

Development Matters Framework
download framework

Both of our EYFS assessment frameworks in our nursery tracking system cover all 7 areas of learning from Birth to the Early Learning Goals.

Physical Development
Communications and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design

Early Years and SEND

EYFS assessment for children below ARE

Read more about our Early Steps 2021 assessment framework for children working at a lower development level in Early Years

Read about Early Steps 2021

EYFS Assessment Frameworks Comparison

See how our frameworks fit alongside Development Matters and EYFS 2021

download comparison chart

Show progress for ALL your Early Years children

Connecting Steps combines assessment frameworks for multiple curriculums into a single assessment system

  • Track mixed abilities using different assessment frameworks all in one system
  • Generate comparable data for children working at ARE and those with SEND
  • Show whole setting progress by analysing all of your assessment data together
  • There’s only one system to manage and train staff on
Assessment frameworks for Primary Schools infographic

Assess Quickly

  • Connecting Steps has lots of features that make assessing children’s progress easier.
  • Our group assessment screen has extremely flexible grouping options. You can create groups for different sessions, for different key workers or you can create custom groups as you go by filtering students.

Reduce Workload

  • The new Development Matters has less detail and there is a reduction in the amount of evidence required. This is to reduce the time spent doing paperwork.
  • Assessing, planning and reporting are important and need to be done, but it is important they aren’t onerous.
  • Connecting Steps links all three together. As you assess, next steps are highlighted, you can then plan lessons to focus on these areas. At the end of the term you can quickly and easily produce graphs to show progress for your reports. Work smarter, not harder!
Early Years children

Is it time to rethink your Early Years assessment?

Find out more about how to quickly and easily show progress for ALL children in your setting


Evidence Achievements

  • Connecting Steps works with Evisense, our evidence software. The 2 systems work together to reduce workload even further.
  • You can capture evidence using Evisense and link it to the Development Matters framework. Connecting Steps highlights where evidence has been added to support assessments and this can be viewed within Connecting Steps.*
  • Make use of Mobile Devices – Connecting Steps and Evisense work on iPads and other tablets.** This allows teachers to assess and evidence on the go, in the moment.

Get a FREE 3 month Evisense trial

Try evisense for free

*Subscription required for Evisense, but a 3 month FREE trial is available.
**10” or larger device recommended for Connecting Steps. Evisense has an app for phones and tablets.

What do Teachers think?

Easily link evidence to the Characteristics of Effective Learning

“Using Evisense, we can securely capture and store evidence of learning and link it directly to the Characteristics of Effective Learning for EYFS. It is straightforward and easy to use.”

Yvonne Skillern

Primary Leader, Highfield Ely Academy

Crucial in securing our outstanding OFSTED rating

“Connecting Steps helped us strengthen our assessment procedures and tighten our planning. It was crucial in securing our outstanding OFSTED Inspection!”

Lisa Bird

Headteacher, Elmsleigh Infant & Nursery School

End the frustrating process of printing, gluing and collating evidence

“I love using Evisense to organise my evidence of learning digitally. Before Evisense, evidence was static. It sat in a folder, I felt frustrated by the process of printing and gluing and collating. It was costly and not time efficient”

Lindsay Ireland

Class Teacher, Firpark School

Easy to use and clear to track progress

“Early Steps 2021 is easy to use and it is clear to track the progress of the children.”

Stephanie Thompson

Class Teacher, Great Arley School

One system for quick and easy assessment and tracking of children of all abilities

Home screen for assessment software
Individual assessment grid
Group Assessment

Find out more about the benefits of using one inclusive system to track children’s progress