Need to rethink how you track pupil progress in your Primary School?


Is your Primary School finding pupil assessment challenging? Are you looking for easy assessment and progress tracking? If so, Connecting Steps can help you rethink how you track pupil progress.

Is your current pupil progress tracker helping? Try asking yourself these questions, then read how Connecting Steps can quickly and easily make a difference in your school.

Wasting lots of time and money using two assessment systems?

Connecting Steps Pricing

There is no need to run more than one school pupil tracker

  • Demonstrate the progress of EVERY child in your school using Connecting Steps
  • Progress tracking for pupils working at Age Related Expectations (ARE) and those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) across your school
  • Track and analyse whole school progress quickly and easily if ALL your pupils’ data is in Connecting Steps
  • Multiple assessment frameworks to cover mainstream and pupils with SEND across early years, key stage 1 and key stage 2. Visit our Curriculums page for more details on all of our frameworks
  • Take a look at our Pricing to find out how much you could save

Spending a huge amount of time trying to analyse pupil progress from different assessment systems?

Quicker and easier analysis of ALL of your pupils’ progress

  • Quickly and easily analyse pupils’ progress to identify next steps and where interventions are needed using Connecting Steps
  • View a whole class of 30 pupils on one screen
  • Pupils in any year group can be working at age related expectations or below and their progress is clearly identified alongside their classmates
  • Improved filters enable teachers to easily filter and analyse their data
Primary assessment

Is it time to rethink your Primary School assessment?

Find out more about the advantages of using one inclusive assessment system like Connecting Steps, instead of running two or more assessment systems for children of different abilities in your school.


Looking for a pupil achievement tracker that can quickly and easily demonstrate whole school progress?

Different levels of detail to assess different groups of pupils

  • Assess pupils working at age related expectations quickly and easily, with less detail in Connecting Steps
  • Choose extra detail when assessing pupils working below age related expectations, to demonstrate smaller steps of progress
  • History column shows the history for a student all in 1 place – to see what was achieved and when
  • Easy access to charts that visually show progress
  • Improved printing with new ‘print view’

Working with complex assessment systems that are difficult to master?

faster SEND tracking

Super fast to input and access your pupil assessments

  • Connecting Steps has a fresh, new navigation that is quick, easy and user friendly
  • Switch between a desktop, laptop and iPad – everything looks the same
  • Pupil assessment tracker input is much quicker
  • New filtering helps teaches get to the information they need quickly and easily
  • A pupil’s current level is shown when adding new assessments – so it’s quick and easy to update
  • Users can set their own favourites to make navigation even faster (pick up where you left off)
  • Flags up if assessment is being added in the wrong year/cohort/framework, to help make sure assessments are inputted correctly

One system for quick and easy assessment and pupil tracking for children of all abilities

Home screen for assessment software
Individual assessment grid
Group Assessment

What do Teachers think?

Clearly track, monitor and report on pupil progress

“Connecting Steps enables our teachers to clearly track, monitor and report on pupil progress at all levels of attainment without the traditional accompanying reams of paper and hours of filling it in.”

Brandon Mills

Deputy Headteacher, Brookfields School

Crucial in securing our outstanding OFSTED rating

“Connecting Steps helped us strengthen our assessment procedures and tighten our planning. It was crucial in securing our outstanding OFSTED Inspection!”

Lisa Bird

Headteacher, Elmsleigh Infant & Nursery School

A great evaluation tool

“Connecting Steps is a great evaluation tool. In a quick glance, you can see the progress a child makes. It is easy to use and quick to get a progress update.”

Jacqui A


Find out more about quick and easy assessment and pupil tracking for children of ALL abilities in your Primary School

Early Years

Are you looking for EYFS assessment based on the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021?

read more


Can you quickly and easily show progress for ALL pupils using your current assessment system?

read more


Are you struggling to show progress for your pupils with Special Needs?

read more