Need to rethink how you track pupil progress in your Primary School?
Is your Primary School finding pupil assessment challenging? Are you looking for easy assessment and progress tracking? If so, Connecting Steps can help you rethink how you track pupil progress.
Is your current pupil progress tracker helping? Try asking yourself these questions, then read how Connecting Steps can quickly and easily make a difference in your school.
Wasting lots of time and money using two assessment systems?
There is no need to run more than one school pupil tracker
- Demonstrate the progress of EVERY child in your school using Connecting Steps
- Progress tracking for pupils working at Age Related Expectations (ARE) and those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) across your school
- Track and analyse whole school progress quickly and easily if ALL your pupils’ data is in Connecting Steps
- Multiple assessment frameworks to cover mainstream and pupils with SEND across early years, key stage 1 and key stage 2. Visit our Curriculums page for more details on all of our frameworks
- Take a look at our Pricing to find out how much you could save