Is your Early Years setting assessing progress against the new 2021 EYFS?
The introduction of EYFS 2021 means that children’s progress needs to be assessed against a whole new set of criteria! This change poses a huge challenge for foundation stage assessment. Great news! Our assessment and evidence products can be used to assess ALL children in your Early Years setting against the new Early Years Foundation Stage 2021 and to demonstrate their progress using photo/video evidence of learning.
Early Years assessment frameworks based on Development Matters 2020 and the EYFS Framework 2021
For children working at Age Related Expectations
Our Development Matters framework has been created to reduce the burden on paperwork and assessment. So it’s quick and easy to assess progress.
For children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The levels in Development Matters 2020 are very broad. This makes it hard to demonstrate the small steps of progress made by children with SEND who are working below the level of a 3 year old.
The new levelling structure in our Early Steps 2021 framework splits ‘birth to 3’ into 8 levels. This enables settings that have children with SEND to show their progress and help profile their needs.
Our assessment and evidence management for Early Years has been designed to help you demonstrate the progress made by ALL children in your setting